Apostle Islands National Lakeshore: DNR to establish an open season for hunting deer with muzzle-loading firearms -
Act 298Canada goose hunting: reporting requirements revised [Sec. 572ng, nj] -
Act 59Certain dog license and vaccination tag requirements for hunting bear or wolf eliminated -
Act 245Cumulative preference system for issuing Class A bear hunting licenses: age restriction repealed -
Act 44Deer and wild turkey carcass tag requirements eliminated; wild turkey hunting authorization and car-kill deer or wild turkey provisions [Sec. 572b-n, o-q, 576g, r, 578b-y, 579e-581r, 582r] -
Act 59Feeding deer for certain purposes after positive test for CWD or bovine tuberculosis: duration of rule prohibiting modified -
Act 41Group deer hunting party: use of another member's youth deer approval to kill an antlerless deer prohibited; the person for whom a deer is killed must possess an unused deer carcass tag -
Act 61Hunting from a stationary motor vehicle equipped with a mechanized lift permitted -
Act 171Hunting mentorship program revisions re minimum age requirement and limit on number of hunting devices, and prohibiting mentor from killing a deer for person being mentored or using that person’s approval -
Act 62Pheasant hunting on DNR managed land, fee provision [Sec. 242, 512m] -
Act 59Pole trap or elevated perch used to capture or kill any bird: maximum height increased; valid migratory bird depredation permit required -
Act 169Primitive rural hunting cabins exempt from one- and two-family dwelling code, definition provision [Sec. 1319g, r, 1325g, r, 1646ym] -
Act 59Terminally ill individual participating in a charity fishing or hunting-related event: DNR to treat as if the person is a resident re hunting and fishing approvals -
Act 182Uniform end date for open hunting and trapping seasons for specified animals required; conditions for closing the season or changing the end date set -
Act 63Wild turkey hunting license and tag cumulative preference system: exemption for residents who are recipients of the Purple Heart Medal and disabled veterans -
Act 14Woodchucks defined as ``game animal" and ``fur-bearing animal" and DNR to establish open season for hunting and trapping -
Act 64Youth trapping without a license permitted under set conditions; mentored trapping license created; restrictions on taking or appropriating a trap or its contents modified -
Act 343Applicant for DOT ID card or motor vehicle operator’s license or vehicle registration allowed to indicate an invisible disability; DOT duties and law enforcement provisions -
Act 244Dextromethorphan in drugs: sales to minors without a prescription prohibited; ID and penalty provisions -
Act 160Free ID cards for voting purposes: DOT rules for verification procedure incorporated into statutes -
Act 369Tribal ID cards accepted as proof of residence for various purposes -
Act 226Court commissioners authorized to issue search warrants re OWI and BAC civil violations -
Act 117Baldus, Alvin ``Al” James: life and public service of Korean War veteran, former state representative, and former U.S. representative commended [SJR38] -
JR16Borostowski, Anthony J.: life and public service of Wisconsin State Patrol Trooper commended [SJR100] -
JR23Dandeneau, Marcel: life and public service of former state representative commended [AJR18] -
JR10Gannon, Robert ``Bob”: life and public service of state representative commended [AJR107] -
JR18Glenn, John Hershel, Jr.: life and public service of former NASA astronaut and U.S. Senator commended [SJR12] -
JR9Grobschmidt, Richard A.: life and public service of former state representative and state senator commended [SJR17] -
JR4Hendee, Kirby: life and public service of former state senator commended [SJR16] -
JR3Kleczka, Gerald D. ``Jerry”: life and public service of former state representative, state senator, and U.S. Congressman commended [SJR87] -
JR19Kusuda, Paul H.: life, public service, and advocacy for refugees, immigrants, underprivileged youth, Asians, and the homeless commended [SJR97] -
JR22Laird, Melvin Robert: life and public service of World War II veteran and former Congressman and Secretary of Defense commended [SJR72] -
JR15Larson, Thomas ``Tom”: life and public service of former state representative commended [AJR13] -
JR6Lehman, Michael “Mickey” A.: life and public service of former state representative commended [AJR81] -
JR11Lotto, Myron: life and public service of former state senator commended [SJR89] -
JR20Murphy, Roger P.: life and public service of former DA, state senator, and judge commended [SJR8] -
JR8Rhoades, Kitty: life and public service of former state representative and DHS deputy secretary commended [SJR70] -
JR14Stitt, Donald K.: life and public service of former state representative and state senator commended [SJR33] -
JR5Thompson, (SSG) Matthew Vail: life and military service commended [SJR2] -
JR2Veum, Rachel Ann: life and public service as a valued legislative employee commended [SJR49] -
JR17Walling, Esther Kolb: life and public service of former state representative commended [AJR44] -
JR12Williams, Robert Rama: life, accomplishments, and service to his community commended [SJR92] -
JR21Apportionment for broadcasters re income and franchise taxes, definition provision, DOR duties [Sec. 1002m, 1013d-i, 1057d, 1076d-k] -
Act 59Due dates changed for certain entities re filing income and franchise tax returns, paying estimated income and franchise tax installment payments, and filing withholding tax returns -
Act 2Electronic filing of income and franchise tax information re wage statements, nonwage payments, royalties, and rents; deadlines and extension provisions [Sec. 1127-1136, 1151, 9338 (13), (14), (15)] -
Act 59Internal Revenue Code updates adopted; exclude from taxable income distribution from IRA to charitable organization [Sec. 1003-1009, 1058-1071, 1079-1082, 1091-1104, 1153, 1160d, 9338 (1)] -
Act 59Net operating and business loss carry-forward and carry-back [Sec. 1024, 1083, 1108, 1152, 9338 (10)] -
Act 59Sourcing rules clarification re income and franchise tax [Sec. 1012, 1013, 1075, 1076, 9338 (7)] -
Act 59Tax law changes re evidentiary standard to prove transaction has economic substance, reliance by taxpayer on past audits, IRS code updates, College Savings Program Board duties clarified, sales and use tax exemption for title holding entities for certain tax-exempt charitable organizations, and computing depletion for income and franchise tax purposes -
Act 231Business development tax credit: WEDC may exceed annual limits under set conditions and with JCF approval; early stage business investment program provision [Sec. 1035x, 1040g, p, 1083x, 1086m, 1108x, 1111m, 1774e-k, 1779m, n] -
Act 59Credit for taxes paid to other states revised [Sec. 1044p-u, 9338 (3t)] -
Act 59EITC: pilot program, with IRS approval, to make monthly payments to eligible recipients; permanent program if pilot is successful and DOR and IRS can reach an agreement -
Act 270Employer contributions to employee’s college savings account: individual and corporate income and franchise tax credits created -
Act 197Historic rehabilitation tax credit: limit and other conditions set, jobs component [Sec. 1051, 1089, 1114, 1775-1775m] [1775g -- partial veto] -
Act 59Historic rehabilitation tax credit: limit on amount WEDC may certify increased -
Act 280Low-income housing project: state income and franchise tax credit program administered by WHEDA created, report required -
Act 176Research income and franchise tax credits made partially refundable [Sec. 481p, 1038s, t, 1052w, y, 1086i, 1090j, k, 1111k, 1114j, k] -
Act 59Taxpayer cannot claim manufacturing and agriculture credit and other state credit on same income [Sec. 1042, 9338 (8)] -
Act 59WHEFA bonds: individual income tax exemption on earned interest from [Sec. 1014, 9338 (4)] -
Act 59Working families tax credit sunset [Sec. 1041e] [vetoed] -
Act 59Adoption expenses re other states and countries: income tax subtraction modified to include [Sec. 1016v, 9338 (13i)] -
Act 59Alternative minimum tax repealed [Sec. 1035m-p, 1036e-1037be, t, 1038m-r, 1040e, h, 1041s, 1050p-u, 1051g-1052u, 1088u, 1113u, 1125s, 1162m, n, 9338 (13p)] [1052e -- partial veto; 1036h-1037be, t -- vetoed] -
Act 59Internal Revenue Code updates adopted; exclude from taxable income distribution from IRA to charitable organization [Sec. 1003-1009, 1058-1071, 1079-1082, 1091-1104, 1153, 1160d, 9338 (1)] -
Act 59Itemized deductions credit for nonresidents: calculation modified [Sec. 1039, 9338 (12)] -
Act 59Olympic, Paralympic, and Special Olympics medals won by individuals: income tax exemption for value of and any payments from the U.S. Olympic Committee or Special Olympics Board of Directors [Sec. 1023s, 9338 (16c)] -
Act 59Highway projects funded with federal money and transfers of state and federal funding between highway programs, competitive bidding provision; collection of sales and use taxes from out-of-state retailers and determination of individual income tax rates after South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc.; election of pass-through entities to be taxed at the entity level for state income and franchise tax purposes -
Act 368Income tax refund cannot be issued to employed individuals until data from employer is verified [Sec. 1139] -
Act 59Tax law changes re evidentiary standard to prove transaction has economic substance, reliance by taxpayer on past audits, IRS code updates, College Savings Program Board duties clarified, sales and use tax exemption for title holding entities for certain tax-exempt charitable organizations, and computing depletion for income and franchise tax purposes -
Act 231Tribal gaming receipts appropriations consolidated re unusually high-cost of out-of-home placements and subsidized guardianships of Indian children [Sec. 395, 396, 460, 2246] -
Act 59